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accessiblePrinting(boolean) - Static method in class Turtle
Turn accessible printing on or off.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class Turtle
Internal mehod for handling events.


backgroundMode(int) - Static method in class Turtle
This specifies how the background is drawn.
backward(double) - Method in class Turtle
Moves the turtle backward by the given distance.
bgcolor(Color) - Static method in class Turtle
Sets the background color.
bgcolor(String) - Static method in class Turtle
Sets the background color.
bgpic(String) - Static method in class Turtle
Set the background image.


canvasX(double) - Static method in class Turtle
Converts screen coordinates to canvas coordinates.
canvasY(double) - Static method in class Turtle
Converts screen coordinates to canvas coordinates.
clear() - Method in class Turtle
Clears all the drawing that a turtle has done but all the turtle settings remain the same.
clone() - Method in class Turtle
This creates a cloned copy of a turtle.
componentHidden(ComponentEvent) - Method in class Turtle
Internal mehod for handling events.
componentMoved(ComponentEvent) - Method in class Turtle
Internal mehod for handling events.
componentResized(ComponentEvent) - Method in class Turtle
Internal mehod for handling events.
componentShown(ComponentEvent) - Method in class Turtle
Internal mehod for handling events.
contains(int, int) - Method in class Turtle
Determines if a turtle is covering a screen position


distance(double, double) - Method in class Turtle
Gets the distance to another position.
dot() - Method in class Turtle
Put a dot 3 times the size of the penWidth on the canvas.
dot(Color) - Method in class Turtle
Put a dot 3 times the size of the penWidth on the canvas.
dot(Color, double) - Method in class Turtle
Put a dot on the canvas.
dot(String) - Method in class Turtle
Put a dot 3 times the size of the penWidth on the canvas.
dot(String, double) - Method in class Turtle
Put a dot on the canvas.
down() - Method in class Turtle
Puts the turtle's pen down so it will draw on the screen as it moves.
draw() - Static method in class Turtle


exit() - Static method in class Turtle


face(double, double) - Method in class Turtle
Sets the direction in such a way that it faces (x,y)
fillColor(Color) - Method in class Turtle
Sets the turtle's fill color.
fillColor(String) - Method in class Turtle
Sets the turtle's fill color.
forward(double) - Method in class Turtle
Moves the turtle forward by the given distance.


getDirection() - Method in class Turtle
Gets the direction the turtle is facing neglecting tilt.
getSpeed() - Method in class Turtle
Gets the speed of the animation.
getTilt() - Method in class Turtle
Gets the rotation of the turtle's shape away from the turtle's direction.
getX() - Method in class Turtle
Gets the x coordinate of the turtle.
getY() - Method in class Turtle
Gets the y coordinate of the turtle.


hide() - Method in class Turtle
Hides the turtle but it can still draw.
home() - Method in class Turtle
Moves the turtle to (0,0) and facing east.


isKeyDown(String) - Static method in class Turtle
Test if a key is pressed or not.


keyPressed(KeyEvent) - Method in class Turtle
Internal mehod for handling events.
keyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class Turtle
Internal mehod for handling events.
keysDown() - Static method in class Turtle
Get the pressed keys.
keyTyped(KeyEvent) - Method in class Turtle
Internal mehod for handling events.


left(double) - Method in class Turtle
Turns the turtle left by the number of indicated degrees.


main(String[]) - Static method in class Turtle
Demo program
mouseButton() - Static method in class Turtle
Check to see if a mouse button is down.
mouseButton1() - Static method in class Turtle
Check to see if the first mouse button is down.
mouseButton2() - Static method in class Turtle
Check to see if the second mouse button is down.
mouseButton3() - Static method in class Turtle
Check to see if the third mouse button is down.
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class Turtle
Internal mehod for handling events.
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class Turtle
Internal mehod for handling events.
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class Turtle
Internal mehod for handling events.
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class Turtle
Internal mehod for handling events.
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class Turtle
Internal mehod for handling events.
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class Turtle
Internal mehod for handling events.
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class Turtle
Internal mehod for handling events.
mouseWheelMoved(MouseWheelEvent) - Method in class Turtle
Internal mehod for handling events.
mouseX() - Static method in class Turtle
Get the mouse x coordinate using the screens coordinate system.
mouseY() - Static method in class Turtle
Get the mouse y coordinate using the screens coordinate system.


onKey(String, String) - Method in class Turtle
Links a method to a key.
onKey(String, String, boolean) - Method in class Turtle
Links a method to a key.
onKey(String, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class Turtle
Links a method to a key.
outlineColor(Color) - Method in class Turtle
Sets the turtle's outlineColor color.
outlineColor(String) - Method in class Turtle
Sets the turtle's outlineColor color.
outlineWidth(double) - Method in class Turtle
Sets the width of the turtle's outline.


penColor(Color) - Method in class Turtle
Sets the turtle's path color.
penColor(String) - Method in class Turtle
Sets the turtle's path color.


redo() - Method in class Turtle
Redo turtle state changes.
redo(int) - Method in class Turtle
Redo turtle state changes.
refreshMode(int) - Static method in class Turtle
This specifies when the screen gets refreshed.
right(double) - Method in class Turtle
Turns the turtle right by the number of indicated degrees.
run() - Method in class Turtle
This is an internal method that should never be called.


save(String) - Static method in class Turtle
Saves the visible canvas to an image.
screenX(double) - Static method in class Turtle
screenY(double) - Static method in class Turtle
setCanvasSize(int, int) - Static method in class Turtle
Changes the size of the canvas effectively changing the size of the window.
setDirection(double) - Method in class Turtle
Sets the direction the turtle is facing neglecting tilt.
setPosition(double, double) - Method in class Turtle
Sets the position of a turtle.
setPosition(double, double, double) - Method in class Turtle
Sets the position and direction of a turtle.
setTilt(double) - Method in class Turtle
Sets the angle to rotate the turtle's shape when rendering.
shape(String) - Method in class Turtle
Sets the shape of the turtle using the built in shapes (turtle,square, rectangle,triangle,arrow,circle) or to a image.
shapeSize(int, int) - Method in class Turtle
show() - Method in class Turtle
Makes the turtle visible.
speed(double) - Method in class Turtle
Sets the speed of the animation.
stab() - Method in class Turtle
stamp() - Method in class Turtle
Put a copy of the current turtle shape on the canvas.
startApplet(JApplet) - Static method in class Turtle
This is an experimental method that should allow you to make turtle applets in the future.


tilt(double) - Method in class Turtle
Adds an additional angle to rotation of the turtle's shape when rendering.
towards(double, double) - Method in class Turtle
Gets direction towards (x,y)
Turtle - Class in <Unnamed>
About Turtle Graphics
Turtle() - Constructor for class Turtle
Makes a turtle at the center of the canvas at location (0, 0).
Turtle(double, double) - Constructor for class Turtle
Makes a turtle at the specified position.


undo() - Method in class Turtle
Undo the last turtle state change.
undo(int) - Method in class Turtle
Undo turtle state changes.
up() - Method in class Turtle
Picks the turtle's pen up so it won't draw on the screen as it moves.
update() - Static method in class Turtle
Force redraw when the refreshMode is set to on demand.


width(double) - Method in class Turtle
Sets the width of the turtle's pen.
write(String, String, int, int, double, double) - Method in class Turtle


zoom(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class Turtle
Fits the indicated box in the center of the screen as large as possible.
zoomFit() - Static method in class Turtle
Fits everything on the screen.
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